Sea Scouting (Coed ages 14-20)
Sea Scout units, called “ships,” focus on sailing and cruising either sailboats, power vessels or paddle sports. Sea Scouts learn to maintain and operate vessels, with a focus on learning the safe and proper methods of handling boats. Sea Scouts also learn the meaning of buoys and lights, how to take advantage of wind and tide, and how to drop anchor or approach a dock.
Program Benefits
Sea Scouts is a year-round program for young men and women who are 14 (or 13 years of age and have completed the eighth grade) through 20 years of age.
Swimming, lifesaving, first aid, Coast Guard Auxiliary Sailing and Seamanship, and cardiopulmonary resuscitation courses are taught with the ship by their own youth officers or other adult mentors.
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Sea Scout Ship 16
Sea Scout Ship 16 members participate in a wide range of maritime activities, in addition to learning sailing skills and developing the teamwork and leadership skills needed to operate a 33-foot sailboat, the SSS Revenge. Guided by adults who share their passion for the sea, Ship 16 members have explored the Bay and Delta on their sailboat, participated in the U.S. Coast Guard Safety at Sea events and competed with other Bay Area Ships in Old Sea Salt regattas.
Adult Volunteers
Adult volunteers underpin the success of each program. Volunteer and discover the benefits of sharing common experiences alongside teens, learning new skills, and having fun while supporting, coaching and training our youth. Participate at any level – from event volunteer to a crew advisor – and make a positive impact on a young person’s future.