Awards & Recognition

Awards and recognition in Scouting celebrate commitment and achievement, encourage skill development, and inspire personal and team goal setting.

The Piedmont Council and national BSA offer an array of adult volunteer and youth awards and recognition opportunities to support positive engagement for all.

Piedmont Council Volunteer Awards

Every year, the Piedmont Council recognizes adult volunteers for their contributions and achievements at the Annual Recognition Dinner held every Spring. National and Council recognition awards include those listed below. For more information about Scouting award and recognition opportunities, visit the National BSA website Award Central.

Silver Beaver Award

The most prestigious council-level award, the Silver Beaver Award recognizes distinguished service. Recipients of this award are registered Scouters who have made an impact on the lives of youth through years of service given to the Council.

District Award of Merit

This award recognizes registered Scouters who render service of an outstanding nature across our programs.

Sidney C. Singer Award

The Sidney C. Singer Service-to-Youth Award recognizes a dedicated Piedmont adult volunteer (whether or not in Scouting) who exemplifies the Council’s mission to provide exceptional and inclusive programs to girls and boys in Piedmont and surrounding communities.

Harry M. Thomas Scout-to-Scouter Award

This award recognizes adult volunteers for their long-time service to Scouting. Harry Thomas was one of the first Piedmont Scouts in 1910 who served Scouting continuously until his death in 1964. In 1950, Thomas established an annual award to be presented in recognition of services to Scouting and to encourage other young adults who had achieved Eagle Rank to return as an adult Scout leader. Contact the Scout Executive to make a nomination.

President’s Award

The President’s Award recognizes significant contribution and service from an Executive Board member that has made a significant positive impact on Piedmont Scouting. Recipients are selected by the Executive Board President.

Distinguished Scouter Awards

This award was established in 1985 to recognize volunteers who have provided outstanding service to their unit in the past year. Awards are presented for Cub Scouts, Scouts BSA and Venturing/Exploring units. Awardees are selected by the leadership in their respective units.

Youth Awards

Eagle Scout, Venturing and Quartermaster Awards

Piedmont Scouting has presented over 1,200 Eagle Scout, Quartermaster and Venturing Silver Awards since 1921.

Piedmont Council William Peterson Award

This highly prized award recognizes outstanding Piedmont Scouting youth who have demonstrated significant leadership in their Scouting careers.

National Scouting Advancement & Recognition Opportunities

The National Advancement/Award Quick Reference provides a summary of all rank advancement requirements from Tenderfoot to Eagle and special award opportunities.

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