High Adventure Crew – First Hike of Fall
On a blustery Saturday night, a group of 9 HAC members, headed into the Oakland hills to view the sunset and have some after dark adventure. The group, spanning from 9th through 12th grades and including brand-new members, had a lot of fun together. The hike brought them down a treacherous hillside, braving the risk of encountering night trolls, to visit and navigate the famous labyrinth. That evening’s wind resulted in some surprisingly chilly conditions, but that’s a lesson learned about being prepared for adverse weather on future HAC outings. A backpacking style dinner was cooked on a lightweight stove, which provided some warmth to the cold hands. While waiting for dinner to cook, the group sang and danced to keep warm. This event was an example of how HAC squeezes in local activities to accommodate our busy members.