Honorable Justice Carl West Anderson Flagpole Dedication & Campership Fund

 In Community News, Council News

Justice Carl Anderson was a monumental figure in the history of Piedmont Scouting. Instrumental in keeping Piedmont Council independent, we all benefit from his work and leadership.

The council’s advisory board put up a capstone grant as a challenge to build a campership fund in Justice Anderson’s memory. We are almost to the original goal of $8,000, and the capstone grant will bring it up to $10,000. If you’re interested in contibuting, there are a couple of different ways to do so:

Online: Go to https://piedmontscouting.org/give/donate-now/

Next to “This gift is directed to” select “Endowment”

At “Tribute?” select “In memory of”, and type in “Justice Carl Anderson”

Via check: You can mail or drop off a check at the council office at 10 Highland Way, Piedmont, CA 94611.

Stock: Reach out to Scout Executive Kate Benson at .

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to .

Another tribute, spearheaded by the Piedmont Beatification Foundation, is a new flagpole on the Highland Way side of Piedmont Community Church. Funded and led by PBF, on the campus of PCC, and maintained by the Piedmont Council Scouts, this flagpole will serve to honor Justice Anderson for years. We are excited for all of the young scouts who will learn to do a flag ceremony at this spot!


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