2022 Annual Recognition Dinner

 In Council News

Silver Beaver Recipient Seth Hilton and many other volunteers were honored at the 101st annual recognition Dinner on Thursday evening, April 7th at the Piedmont Community Church, Guild Hall.

Hilton was chosen for his calm and steady leadership as council president through uniquely challenging times. As he settled into the second year of his tenure, he helped the council navigate COVID, social distancing impacts on program, challenges faced by the National council, and the selection of a new executive director/Scout Executive.

In his professional life, he is a partner with Stoel Rives LLP. His practice includes advising independent energy producers, including renewable energy developers, and publicly-owned and investor-owned utilities on energy and greenhouse gas regulation in California.

“One of the things that motivated me and helped me through the challenges were the other volunteers I was working with, and how dedicated they were,” said Hilton. “Also, having experienced the program as a youth, and having seen my son go through it, I knew firsthand how valuable the program is. The only path forward is through, and it was important to make sure our council made it through those challenges in the best shape possible.”

101st  Annual Recognition Dinner Piedmont Council BSA Program



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