Scouting For Food 2021

 In Council News, Scouting For Food

Piedmont Council Scouts and Venturers did an amazing job with Scouting for Food this year.  Thanks also to the Cubs, who are responsible for the fabulous and thorough distribution of flyers last weekend. A Great Big Thanks to all volunteers who made it happen, especially the Unit Coordinators.

An Extra Special Thank You to Katy Kobal for serving again this year as Scouting For Food Chair, and of course an EXTRA BIG THANK YOU to all community members for their generosity and caring that resulted in:

* We collected 9,698 pounds of food in the truck for the food bank and have picked up a number of extra bags since — I bet we break 10,000 pounds!  This is a council record!  Thanks to all the scouts who knocked on doors and picked up food.  A special thanks to the scouts who stayed after their shifts and sorted.  Due to the unprecedented haul, we really used the extra help.  The scouts most definitely lived the Scout Law today!

*The scouts also collected $11,863 in monetary donations at the door.  One particularly generous donor asked the troop 11 scouts to return because they weren’t quite ready.  The food bank is *really* glad they returned!!!

*The virtual food drive has raised over $4500 as of this writing.  Special thanks to Troop 1 who pointed out the QR code to many potential donors.  We had 17 donors online just today!

*All 5 troops and 4 packs were full and active participants and I appreciate you all.  We had well over 120 scouts (and a few cubs) collecting, 2 Venturers working at the truck, and at least 50 parents driving.  The cubs were out all last weekend distributing door hangers.  Thank you for making this a success and for serving our greater community.

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