Piedmont Community Service Crew PPE Kit For Health Care Workers

 In Community News, PCSC

The Piedmont Community Service Crew is hosting an event where crew members make PPE at their homes to donate to health care workers. This is an ongoing event in the crew through November 6, and crew members are free to make the PPE whenever they want. There are three PPE activity options: sewing cloth masks, assembling face shields, and refurbishing N95 masks. Crew members need to request a kit with materials to make the PPE. Mask kits have material for 30 masks and will take approximately 4 hours and a sewing machine to complete. Face shield kits have enough material to make 100 face shields and will take approximately 4 hours to complete. To refurbish N-95’s, crew members will need a hole puncher, and all other materials will be provided in the kit. The kit has about 200 masks and will take approximately 4 hours to complete. The PPE will hopefully be very appreciated by health workers and help to ease the stress and danger in their job. If you or your child are interested in socially distanced volunteer events like this, please click this link to get to the PCSC website for more information!

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