Piedmont Scouts First Aid Training Videos and AED Donation

 In Community News, Council News, Eagle Scouts

Recent Troop 6 Eagle Scout John Cumbelich completed his Video Project and fundraising effort to benefit staff and volunteers of the Order of Malta Clinic of Northern California and Catholic Diocese of Oakland. John and fellow Piedmont Scouts produced first aid and basic CPR techniques in a series of three videos and a as well as donated and installed an AED unit on the facilities’ site. These videos will help support ongoing training to demonstrate Basic First Aid and CPR recommended in workplaces or public gathering locations where first aid and CPR may be needed prior to emergency medical service response. These videos are also intended to provide younger scouts with some of the required skills and knowledge necessary to complete the Scouts BSA First Aid Merit Badge Award. View this video series on the Piedmont Council YouTube channel, and be sure to like, subscribe and get notifications as we update our channel.

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