Piedmont Council Boy Scouts of America Welcomes Kate Benson

 In Council News

On behalf of your Selection Committee, I am pleased to announce that Kate Benson is the new Scout Executive of Piedmont Council Boy Scouts of America, effective November 1, 2020. She succeeds Jo Hazelett, who is retiring on that date after 22 years of dedicated service in that position.

Kate comes to us from the Silicon Valley Monterey Bay Council, where she is Development Director overseeing large special events and annual fundraising activities. She has 17 years of experience as a Scouting professional, including tours of duty as a District Director and Senior District Executive in Portland, Oregon and Spokane, Washington, responsible for Friends of Scouting, endowment gift solicitation, marketing, membership, and large district administration.

Kate and her husband, Neil, have two girls, Cub Scout Anna (8) and Scouts BSA member Kajsa (11). She is Cubmaster of Pack 785 in Gilroy and a Brotherhood member of the Order of the Arrow. She earned her Wood Badge beads and was a staff member at the 2017 National Jamboree at the Summit Bechtel Reserve. Kate is a past president of the Vancouver, Washington Rotary Club and an avid rower and musician.

Kate will be coordinating with Jo and her staff, and with many volunteers, during the transition process. She looks forward to meeting all of you, virtually and otherwise.

Please join me and the committee in welcoming Kate to the Piedmont Scouting community!

Rob James, chair, Selection Committee

Terri Burge

Tracey Broadhead Frith

Rich Harms

Seth Hilton

Paul Jahn

Ken Li

Jim Riley

Tom Smegal

Kathleen Hyland

Anne-Marie Lamarche

Wes Smith

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