PCSC Virtual Garage Sale
The Piedmont Community Service Crew, an organization prided by it’s youth leadership, has faced many challenges with COVID-19, specifically raising money for it’s various community service projects. The crew usually holds an annual garage sale, which brings in funds for it’s annual Tiny House Project, where they build a home for a homeless teen, their large annual project where they refurbish a home with the organization Rebuilding Together Oakland, and many other various events we do throughout the year. However due COVID-19, the Fundraising Team has created an amazing alternative to the garage sale fundraiser. So, this year, PCSC has decided to hold a virtual garage sale!
What this means, is that PCSC will aid the selling of donated items, through their social media and network. So, if you have any items you would like to donate to the sale, you can fill out this form, which allows you to upload a photo and provide details. These items are then listed on our crew’s website for people to view.
However, if interested in buying something, please visit our website (pcservicecrew.org) and visit our 2020 Garage Sale tab under the “about” tab. There you will find a list of donated items to purchase. All purchases will help us immensely!
If you have further questions, please email us at pcscgaragesale@gmail.com