John Stewart Silver Beaver 2020

 In Boy Scout News, Community News, Council News

Son of a Berkeley Eagle Scout, John began his Scouting career at Crocker Highlands Elementary with Troop 295. Highlights included passing his 1st Class Morse Code

and being the only Scout to slip off the pontoon raft and into the turbulent waters of the Snake River, Idaho. No doubt, he struck his head.

John moved to Piedmont in the 8th Grade and joined Troop 11. He enjoyed a year of Camp Wallace Alexander where he earned his 50 Mile Patch. Ninth Grade he worked his God and Country Award at Piedmont Community Church. He served his Troop and Scoutmaster John Sullivan, as Patrol Leader, ASPL, Senior Patrol Leader, then Junior Asst Scoutmaster. Full Indian Regalia was the order of the day, as he joined Order of the Arrow and later served as Tap-Out Chief for Hungteetseppopi Lodge.

A counselor at Camp Wallace Alexander for three summers, he worked under Matt Lifshiz (a Piedmont Eagle Scout) as Mess Hall Steward, Asst Lifeguard, and General Program. Those Summers on Spanish Creek were most memorable, and he developed many life-long friends.

As an adult, his two sons inspired him to join Troop 1. There, Rob Hardwicke tasked him with the duty as ASM of youth leadership. John served Mt Diablo Silverado Scout Council for five years on their National Youth Leadership Training Course. Ethical Decision Making, Staff Training, and Cooking were his main responsibilities.

With this experience, John joined the NYLT adult equivalent, Wood Badge, where he earned his ticket and was recruited for staff the next year.

Shortly after the passing of his father Jack Stewart, John became Scoutmaster of Troop 1.

It takes a village to grow a Scout and working in partnership with both youth and adults alike, he proudly guided the Troop for 7 years. During his time, over 40 lads reached Eagle Rank and to this day he continues to mentor Life Scouts to Eagle.

Rich Harms challenged John to take on leadership of the Scout Tree Lot. With the help of many hands, smiles, and laughs, he increased sales and efficiency, then recruited Ronnie Baum (Troop 11) then Big Jim Riley (Troop 1) to continue  its 50 year tradition as the single largest Fundraiser for the Piedmont Council.

With the help of Glyn Burge, John led the first Piedmont Council foray into Northern Tier High Adventure. This took them to the Boundary Waters Wilderness of Minnesota and Canada. Portaging and paddling a canoe for 75 miles in a week was exhausting, but thunderstorms and dive-bombing mosquitos only made the experience…. priceless.

During this time, Piedmont Council has awarded him Distinguished Scouter Award, District Award of Merit, Vigil Honor from Order of the Arrow, and the President’s Award with Kathleen

Highland. One Summer he dressed up as an old sourdough and disguised the council mascot dog (Mr. Cody) as a pack mule, carrying shovel and gold pan………..all for the sake as Storyteller at Cub Day Camp.

Somewhat bruised, battered, and silvered today, John serves as Troop 1 Chairman and is the Vice President of Scouting, Piedmont Council. His voyage continues.

Join us in honoring John Here:Presentation of the Silver Beaver Award: John Stewart


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