Eight Eagles from One Cub Scout Den

 In Boy Scout News, Cub Scout, Eagle Scouts

When he received his Eagle rank in 1975 with Troop 45 in Salinas, California, Rob James didn’t know what his future held. In 2008, he became a Cub Scout Den Leader in Piedmont, California with his son, Stewart, and quickly found himself surrounded by a gang of very high achievers. Their hard work year after year in Cubs and in Scouts BSA paid off this winter, as no fewer than eight of his Cubs from a single Cub-through-Webelos Den became Eagles. 

Left to right in main photo: Colby Brookfield, Maxwell Lee, Phillip Chin, Evan Eldridge and Ryan Parkhurst, all of Troop 11 (2019); Rob James (1975); and Stewart James (2019) and Ryan Tripp (2020), both of Troop 15. In inset photo: Will Peterson (2020), Troop 1 and Police Explorer Post 911.

Rob himself went on to become President of the Piedmont Council of California, as well as a Silver Beaver recipient. He is vice president of Western Region Area 3 and a Legacy Society member of NESA.

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