Record Turnout at Webeloree and Cub Overnighter
At the annual Webeloree and Cub Scout Overnighter, Cub Scouts camped overnight on Friday 10/18 or Saturday 10/19. We had a great campsite at Bort Meadow in the Anthony Chabot Regional Park, with good weather and great scenery! There was record attendance, with a total of 129 youth and parents camping either Friday or Saturday night!
Festivities included learning adventures where Webelos practiced skills like fire building, emergency preparedness, and physical fitness. Hikes were led along the nearby trails. Campfire songs and skits were performed by attendees as the fire warmed the crowd.
Most importantly, the group got together and experienced nature at its finest in this Regional Park mere minutes from Piedmont. Tech devices were not a distraction as cell service was atrocious. This provided time for the Cubs and parents to unwind and practice their imagination skills as they thought up fun ways to keep busy without their phones. Capture the flag was played, along with s’more roasting, and baseball playing. The meadow provided the perfect backdrop from which to explore the area and have a little fun. On Saturday, the Webelos also helped with a volunteer project, coordinated by the Park Rangers. We had a great time clearing brush and picking up trash to keep our parks clean.
The Order of the Arrow (OA) youth and adult members helped put on the weekend events, supporting with the campfire programs as well as prepping and serving meals for the large crowd! Huge shout out for making this event possible! Also a big thanks to Nick and others with the Service Crew (PCSC) for helping cook lunch!
- Lisa Gros shows Webelos how to stack Dutch Ovens
- Cub Scouts take a break during a hike Saturday morning
- Webelos stand by the Park Ranger’s truck after volunteering
- Webelos hard at work
- The campfire
- Webelos cooking popcorn over coals