PCSC Tiny House Nearing Completion!

 In Community News, PCSC, Venturing

PCSC Tiny house.

A month has passed since the Piedmont Community Service Crew started work on it’s contribution to making an impact on teen homelessness, the construction of a “tiny house”. After 8 work days, the house is nearing completion!  Crew members learned how to build the wood frame and reinforce it with steel; install moisture barrier film, attach the siding; install electrical wiring, insulation and interior drywall; windows and doors, the roof; metal flashing and trim.  The project was planned by crew members and the work was done in town which was a great convenience for the crew teens, and gave it more sense of being a local effort.  On the day of the Piedmont Harvest festival, the house was temporarily set up in the Community Hall parking lot to showcase the work by our crew.  Those in our community gave lots of positive feedback and provided significant support, except for one complaint submitted to the PPD which gave PCSC a little short-lived infamy.

The project is now on hold while waiting for delivery of the front door, skylight and a custom window.

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