Annual PCSC Garage Sale! November 2nd

 In Community News, Council News, PCSC, Venturing
Each year, PCSC holds a garage sale to raise funds for its many philanthropic projects, including hundreds of meals for the homeless, but most notably PCSC’s annual Rebuilding Together Oakland Sponsorship which enables PCSC to renovate a home for a low-income family in Oakland. Organized by crew youth, their ultimate goal is to raise $12,000. This year, the garage sale will be at one of our generous member’s homes on November 2nd. Please contact us to donate high value items that we can easily sell! Or plan to shop at the sale and support our efforts! For more details, contact PCSC VPs of Fundraising: Anne O’Neil and Alex Kjellen at t[email protected] or [email protected]
We hope to see you there to support PCSC’s fundraising efforts! See the Crew Calendar at for more information.
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