PCSC Annual Retreat

 In Community News, Council News, PCSC, Venturing
This past weekend of April 26th-28th in Truckee, around 20 PCSC members attended the popular retreat learning leadership skills, deepening friendships, having discussions on bettering the future of the crew, and participating in the crew elections! The youth-led leadership training “modules” include games that provide insights on topics which range from project planning to leadership techniques and much more. Crew elections, extending late that Saturday night, was an exciting and emotional affair!  Each candidate for the officer positions gave a thoughtful speech, answered probing questions, and then the live vote and online votes were tallied and results were announced.

Please congratulate our new incoming officers:

  • Kaelin Campbell & Tali Cooper, co-Presidents
  • Bridget Bentley, VP Administration
  • Sofia Stahl & Jaden Ferraro, co-VPs Program
  • Eleanor Hoffpauir, VP Communications
  • Emma Broening, VP Accounting
  • Anne O’Neal & Alex Kjellen, co-VPs Fundraising
  • Toshi Troyer, VP Parent Engagement

As election time falls upon us, so does the end of the crew year. If you are currently a member of PCSC, do not forget to renew your membership!

Contact Ken Li, Bridget Bentley, or Eleanor Hoffpauir for more information on renewing or registering for the upcoming crew year.

If you have any questions or would like more information about Piedmont Community Service Crew, please visit our website: HERE>
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